Open Windows Culture – The Christian’s Workbook


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The partnering workbook filled with tools and guided steps to help you rewrite your culture and the culture of your church.



Windows have a different connotation now. Since you’ve read Open Windows Culture – The Christian’s Guide, the importance of opening your window, and understanding other cultures, is illuminated. Through your journey, obstacles have been pushed aside, fears have subsided, you’ve allowed yourself to make mistakes and ask questions while improving your ability to listen. You have begun the steps to cultural evolution. Naturally, additional questions have risen and circumstances have led to a need to apply unpracticed skills to your arsenal.

Open Windows Culture – The Christian’s Workbook, builds on the foundation set in the guide. The workbook provides focused guidance on soft skills that will help you move to action. Guided activities help you piece everything together from the guide to the real world. Communication skills, managing conflict, understanding the change process, learning when to use sympathy and empathy, applying empowerment and motivation, why apathy should be avoided, examining your internal culture and understanding how it all applies to external culture are skills that help you create an Open Windows Culture in your church. With the workbook, you have the foundation to act immediately.

Book Details

Weight 32 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 in



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